Thursday, August 15, 2019

[Review] Krypton Season 1, Episode 1: Pilot

Krypton is set two generations before the birth of Kal-El (Superman), following the story of his grandfather Seg-El, from the fall of the House of El when Seg was but a child, to the the aftermath when he becomes a young man, living in the slums of Krypton with his mother and father.
     Seg is visited by a time traveller from Earth, who warns him of Kryptons impending doom, and the threat it holds for Seg's grandson, the famous Superman of Earth. Seg discovers his grandfather's secret, and his destiny becomes clearer. An evil force approaches Krypton, collecting worlds to increase it's knowledge.

The first episode is of course an introduction to our leading character, Seg-El (portrayed by Cameron Cuffe). Seg-El becomes somewhat of a trouble maker after the execution of his grandfather by the council of Krypton, getting himself into bar fights with the Krypton's law enforcement, staying out after curfew and so on, but it's easy to see through Cuffe's portrayal that Seg has a heart of gold. Standing up for the little guy, and doing what he believes is the right thing to do to help his now rankless family. Cameron Cuffe is charming, tough, and full of witty humour, which makes his character so enjoyable to watch. You really sympathise with his character and want him to do everything he can just to win.

Cameron Cuffe (Seg-El) and Adam Fielding (Cadet #3)

The other cast members haven't quite had time to shine as we only see small scenes of them to quickly introduce us. However, there is a clear line between who, as an audience, we should love and who we should hate as a character. Rupert Graves and Paula Malcomson have a great chemistry with Cuffe to form the the small dwindling family of El, with Graves portraying a very stern Ter-El who worries about Seg's future as a man, whilst Malcomson portrays a loving and concerned Charys-El who worries more about the little details such as his recent cuts and bruises, showing a somewhat stereotypical family setting even on Krypton, proving that despite being an advanced race, the Kryptonians are very relatable as people for the audience to enjoy watching.

Paula Malcomson, Cameron Cuffe & Rupert Graves

Georgina Campbell portrays Lyta-Zod, the beautiful love interest of Seg-El, and daughter of the very tough and brutal Jayna-Zod, who is portrayed by Ann Ogbomo. Jayna-Zod feels very much like the Zod we know from your typical Superman stories, seeming almost emotionless and putting her duty above all else, proven in the training scene where she stabs a blade through her own daughters hand as a lesson.
     Lyta-Zod however, appears to be a contrast of her mother, as she cares for people and has plenty of emotions, which she chooses to share with Seg-El, especially in the private. On Krypton, marriages are chosen for their people, with daughters and sons being deemed suited for one another by their parents, usually the highest ranking parent with acceptance from the council, so Seg-El's and Lyta-Zod's affections for one another, are surely as doomed as Krypton will become.

Ann Ogbomo & Georgina Campbell

This episode contains some great nods to the Superman franchise we know and love, as we get to see a version of the Fortress of Solitude, as well as hear the famous Superman theme tune in the soundtrack as we see the 'S' symbol for the House of El on the outside of the fortress. This added a great sense of joy to the scene as Seg-El discovers his grandfathers big secret, as we know what the future will hold for Seg-El in the long run, and yet the near future remains a mystery to us.

Symbol of the House of El
This pilot episode has everything a good pilot needs, which includes a strong introduction to the characters, a great score, plenty of action and heavy drama which sets the hero on his journey and helps the audience feel strongly about the protagonist. There's also plenty of mystery behind the Voice of Rao character, and more questions about Seg's future on Krypton that will keep you wanting more.

Overall I'd give this pilot a solid 4/5, with one point being lost due to some of the characters feeling like they didn't get explained or explored as much as they should have, but that's just my opinion.

 I can't wait to learn more about this show and it's characters, as well as get into some real action with the big bads. Onto the next episode!

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