Friday, August 16, 2019

[Review] Krypton Season 1, Episode 2 - House of El

Episode two shows the story of Seg-El begin to unfold, as he comes closer to becoming a member of the House of Vex, which would truly see the extinction of the House of El. However, Seg-El is not quite ready to let his family crest be forgotten, and neither is Adam Strange, the Earthling time traveller who warns Seg-El about the impending approach of the merciless world collector, Brainiac.

Seg's relationship with Nyssa-Vex however proves to be becoming quite strong as she appears to aid him with his personal dilemmas such as his parents demise and not being allowed to give them a traditional burial.
     Nyssa-Vex, portrayed by Wallis Day, is a beautiful high class Kryptonian, who appears to be very two faced. Portraying herself as a caring, with hopes for her future with Seg, she is soon revealed to be plotting with her father against the her suiter.  After all, she is the daughter of Daron-Vex (Elliot Cowan) who is the voice of the council, who sent Seg's grandfather, Val-El (Ian McElhinney) to his execution. Daron-Vex seems to be doing everything in his power to rid Krypton of the House of El bloodline, and convince everyone that there is no threat, and no other planets.

Seg-El (Cameron Cuffe) & Nyssa-Vex (Wallis Day)
 Similar to us mere humans, Kryptonians seem to believe that they are the only life in the universe. This is why Val-El, Charys-El, and Ter-El were all executed, leaving Seg as the last of his bloodline. Though he now seems more determined than ever to remain known as a rankless member of his former family, rather than become a Vex.

Seg-El & Val-El (Ian McElhinney) in the Fortress of Solitude

We are treated to more classic tropes and nods from the Superman mythos as Seg-El discovers his grandfathers hologram in the Fortress of Solitude, but not before he realises that his blood is what makes the machine operate, and when he connects his blood with the machines surface, we are treated to a stunning visual of the familiar 'S' symbol again, but this time it is lit up with the classic colours of red and yellow, creating a great visual effect for the series to treat fans to.

Adam Strange, along with Seg's best friend Kem (portrayed by Rasmus Hardiker) travel on a little mission of their own to see how long they have left until the fearsome Braniac arrives, only to discover he is closer than they feared, leaving very little time for the heroes and the rest of Krypton to prepare. So far, the setting of Krypton has been focused on the city of Kandor, which as Superman fans will know, is the city that lies miniaturised in Superman's Fortress of Solitude after he defeated Brainiac. Therefore, Kandors fate in this show could very well be full of doom, as the team of unlikely heroes discover that Brainiac is no longer close by, because he's already here!

This episode had more great action and drama following the story a little more of Lyta-Zod, who decides that she no longer agrees with her Captains ideas, as the soldiers begin to equip themselves with bigger guns, in order to terrorise and execute the rankless living in the slums, should they show any sign of being involved with what is known as Black Zero.
     Lyta-Zod opposes this idea due to her love for Seg, and so she attempts to talk to her commander, and her mother, but with no luck she is left with little choice. She decides that the best way to stop the soldiers, is to command them, and so she challenges her Captain for the right of command, which in traditional Kryptonian fashion, means a fight to the death. This fight is when we see Lyta-Zod evolve from the young caring love interest, into a strong independant woman who is not to be messed with and most certainly should not be underestimated.

Lyta-Zod takes comand

Overall I give this episode a 8/10 because it's still feeling a little unexplored, but then again I suppose it's a series that's more for fans of the Superman mythos, whereas I have little knowledge on the rest of this universe and it's characters, but it is still very entertaining and there is a lot yet to be answered as we move through this series. My issues lie mostly within some of the characters feeling a little dull, but not to say that they won't become interesting, it's just that I personally like to get to know certain important characters as soon as possible, and this show is leaving a lot of questions for me which may or may not be answered. Only time will tell.

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