Saturday, July 6, 2019

Release The Snyder Cut - More than just a trend

Since the release of the Justice League film and the controversy that surrounded the changes made to director and plot of the film, social media has continued to flood with all sorts of tweets and posts stamped with the hashtag '#ReleaseTheSnyderCut' and whilst many fans understand it's cause, there are many who either lost interest and gave up, or didn't understand it in the first place so I want to take a moment to write about what #ReleaseTheSnyderCut means to the world, in my opinion.

As you may know, the Justice League film underwent many changes as the control of the film passed from Zack Snyder to Joss Whedon, both of whom are brilliant in their job and have created masterpieces in recent years. However, in this instance, Joss Whedon's changes to the highly anticipated DC team up film seemed to have caused a stir amongst fans. The villain was disappointing overall and the film suffered from some plot holes and continuity errors, which could have worked a lot better if the Zack Snyder's vision had been followed and executed properly.

Here is what I've learned on the internet over the years and I'm sure if you search you'll find these stories fairly easily;

1. Steppenwolf was supposedly going to be the villain for the Suicide Squad not the Justice League.

2. Darkseid was going to be the main villain of the Justice League and that included the backstory of his previous name Uxas.

3. Snyder had hoped to follow an evil Superman story line similar to that of the Injustice comics and video games.

That's just the icing on the cake!

The Snyder cut supposedly has a longer run time and is apparently edited and completed, ready for release, as revealed by Zack Snyder himself, which explains fans desperation for Warner Bros to release it to the world either on home video release or as a second cinema experience (which would hopefully lead to the home video release).

Release the Snyder cut is not just about DC fans wanting an improved version of their film though, because in my opinion the success of the Snyder cut could change the way studios release films for the future.

If the Snyder cut was to be released, Warner Bros and other studios would soon learn that those who wish to bring a vision to life, should be given the freedom to release their full vision because nowadays fans don't care how long a film is if it's done well! Films with a 3 hour long run time are becoming more popular, especially with comic book movies with big events such as team ups or god like villains such as Thanos for example in the MCU or as it would have been for the DCEU, Darkseid!
Zack Snyder understood what his fans wanted, and his vision was going to give us something we had never seen in a DC live action film before, a Justice League on the silver screen fighting DC's God-Like Villain! What I will never understand however is how the studios can cut his vision short and allow the changes thinking it would be better, when in reality, allowing Zack to achieve his goal and bring his vision to life would have seen this movie succeed in a major way!

I hope that in the future studios will learn not to mess with the vision of the directors and writers and allow the freedom they need to truly create something that they know fans will love!

#ReleaseTheSnyderCut isn't just another trendy hashtag, it's a movement that wants to and NEEDS to be heard because it can change the future if it is successful. Studios shouldn't be able to ignore it once it has succeeded and perhaps that is the reason they are refusing the release because they know that may be the case.
Either way, if you truly believe that filmmakers and writers should be allowed the freedom to truly create their ideas and bring their visions to life then don't dismiss this hashtag so easily. I stand with my fellow DC fans, for the future of DC films, and all films of the future!


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